Monday, June 30, 2008

In the Name of the Empire: Ep. 3

Spaceport 1, Katarn Prime:

"I've bargained my honor in the army to escort you here," said Commander Pacorr Kay Naweth, First Officer of the Katarn Warship Nissardi. "So gimme that big Naweth smile, and a big hug."

Desi and Pelra, 6- and 7-year old daughters of Commander Naweth, jumped on their father, ears folded, tails wrapped around their father's waist, sobbing. "C'mon, I wanna see you girls smile. Smile for Daddy, will ya?"

"Now I've to deal with their tear- and mucus-drenched dresses," said Radirra, Pacorr's wife. "I've told you your escort is not necessary."

"I know you hate me for leaving for the war," Parcorr pried his daughters arms and tails to let them down, "but I now need that tenderness you've shown me the first years we were in love. At least, have some now for our daughters sake. They are very much your flesh and blood too."

"It's always your daughters!" Radirra dropped her luggage on the floor. "I'm not one of your crewmen! You have no right to command anything out of me." She shut her mouth with her hand. She had all the look of a person who didn't intend to say what she just said. Her eyes brimming with tears, feeling afraid, angry and ultimately confused.

Parcorr drew his wife into his arms. Radirra wept like her husband is already dead. "You're going to die," she said, "and I hate myself for not loving you better. I hate myself for being angry at you. For being a jealous wife ... Oh ..."

"Hush, woman," Pacorr ran his fingers into Radirra's long, white hair. "No one's going to die. I will be back. I promise you, I will not return with a princess from Ur, awrite?"

"I never have the courage to ask you," Radirra lifted her head to look her husband in the eyes, "but this might be my last chance: Have you ever ... ever have another woman?"


"You sure?"

Pacorr kissed her deeply. Their tails interlocked. If only a small room was nearby, they would go there now. A strange place and time to feel horny for one another, but they did. Jealousy is simply another face of passion and love.

"Oh, Aroth!" Radirra held her husband's chest close to her cheek. "Aroth will keep you, or I'll be your avenging angel."

The speakers blared, Mrs. Naweth. Please, report to Platform 5. Transport will depart in 3 minutes. I repeat: Mrs. Naweth ...

A crowd is growing at the closed glass doors, threatening to break through. Families already in the terminal were beginning to sprint to their designated platform for priority checkouts. Economics at work even at the brink of war.

"I've to get back to my shuttle," Pacorr pushed her daughters towards their mother. "Go!" And he took off in the opposite direction of the rush.

Radirra sat her children in their compartment, and looked out the porthole to make for a view of Pacorr's military shuttle. It should be up in the atmosphere now, heading straight for the Nissardi. She whispered, "I'm sorry ... I really thought you were like every other men." She wept once more. Could she blame her friends now at the social club for what they fed her about the nature of men? She could only blame herself when she slept with a number of Pacorr's subordinates throughout the years. And she thought she was avenging herself. The word cunt kept playing in her mind.

In the Name of the Empire: Ep. 2

At the Interstellar Politics forum in Ur, live telecast, public subspace channels :-

"... however, Dr. Sangcar, surely even if the assassination did not eventuate, the Katarn Ambassador might not have the aptitude to arrive into a mutually satisfactory agreement in the negotiation table," said Mr. Reglar Irithiss, Chief Operating Officer of the Nadh-Tekal Mining Consortium.

"You have underestimated the Ambassador." replied Dr. Sangcar, resident political scientist of the Chronicles subspace network. "It's typical of you of the Inner Sectors mentality to view the Outer Rims denizens to be backwater, underclass. The late Jarcorr Larmethiss had had a commendable track record to the advantage of the Katarn government. One of his most notable achievements is the Cos Skathi Treaty, which had at one hand consolidated Katarn legitimacy of government in Cos Skathi and appeased the rebels with an economic compensation package. The Skathian rebels were at one time considered irreconcilable."

"That's where you are wrong," said Mdm. Suniddos, System MP of the Asrecta System, an Inner constituency. "The Ambassador has no experience in dealing with Inner system politics. No matter how commendable his track record is, the Empire is no rebel government. In fact, Dr. Sangcar's little comparison is an insulting insinuation of the nature of the Imperium. The near-barbaric, impulsive reaction of Katarn Prime to the death of their ambassador is evidence of non-intent in reaching an amicable agreement. Or has a certain member of the floor forgotten the original objective of the Second Imperium Act being created in the first place."

The forum chair spoke before the MP could continue, "Mrs. Suniddos, may I remind you this is not a jousting contest. Please, keep your opinions objective."

Dr. Sangcar's nostrils flared with rage. "Chairman, allow me to salvage my integrity of character: I am one of the staunchest supporter of the Imperium Act! I too believe that a singular Galactic Government is the surest guarantee to overcome the impending threat from the Left Arm, and perpetual peace and prosperity. However, Katarn Prime is the sole, powerful challenge to the creation of the Empire. Without Katarn Prime's allegiance, the Empire does not stand a chance against the first Left assault. It is truly regrettable that Katarn Prime does not share our idea to the solution of the Left-threat situation, but if war is the only way to unify our systems, let it be swift and with minimal casualty."

"Time is almost up," said the chair, "The audience may now begin their inquiries."

A man in a blue suit with white vertical lines stood, "Uhm ... I have two questions for Dr. Sangcar. I'm Ceigan Pellar, a political science student of Central University. How long do you think the Katarn-Ur War will last? Will the Empire even have sufficient resources to face the Left threat after the War?" Ceigan sat.

"The Empire has yet to test the newly created Imperial Forces. However, your question is most relevant, time is of the essence now. It has been a year since the threat in the Left Arm has been made known to us. Citizens of the Empire have now feeling restless to the state of unreadiness of our defenses. In my opinion, a quick surgical strike in the heart of Katarn Prime will dissolve the Katarn Conflict immediately. Insurgencies will result across the Katarn systems, but without central command, pacification measures will not be difficult in dealing with these cell groups. We want to keep the Katarn infrastructures intact so to add to the strength of the Empire."

Sunday, June 22, 2008

In the Name of the Empire

"What do you think of my new jacket, Mr. Jamna?" said Ambassador Jarcorr.

"It looks representative of the Katarn people, Mr. Ambassador," replied his aide.

Jarcorr raised his left brow, looking annoyed. "Mr. Jamna, I was fishing for flattery even though it does not become you. I'm looking to be amused. A nervous diplomat needs amusement."

"Perhaps I can press the jacket again for you."

"You're not going to do that. You'd burn the fur-lining ... " the ambassador slaps his forehead, laughing. "Right, Mr. Jamna pressing the jacket. I'm amused now."

"We're running late, Mr. Ambassador."

Jarcorr nodded. He turned to the glass-wall, which could be frosted with voice command for privacy, and looked at the misty, morning cityscape of Old Ur, a planetwide city and the center of known space. The many steel and glass towers punctured Ur's skies like abundant corns in a field.

"This is where it all started, Mr. Jamna. One cannot help but be overwhelmed by the overbearing history and antiquity of this planet. Don't you think so?"

"I think the colonists that our ancestors were had built Katarn Prime one-thousand years ago for their posterity to call home. We've turned our backs from this reliquary long ago. The Katarn is now a people of its own."

"You're right, Mr. Jamna. My mission here is to protect the rights and interest of our people. Enough of the view, lets move."

"I thought you'd never do so."

A sharp noise of particle weapon fire was heard the moment both ambassador and aide walked out of the diplomat's suite, and the headline of tomorrow's Ur Herald was written: The Katarn Ambassador Assassinated: Katarn Prime Declares War.