Saturday, August 09, 2008

Anger Management

I've dog crap to deal with every day.

I've a husband who doesn't do his part of the laundry.

The house is a mess.

I'm feeling uncertain, nervous looking for a new job.

Since my ibook is stolen, I'm not sure where to begin compiling my portfolio for a job interview.

My spouse and I am spending money in more ways than I like.

It's a few more weeks to the end of my term at my current workplace.

To top it all, the boss laid out the facts for me, and told me to have some professional ethics even though these maybe the last days of my time here.

Fuck ethics!

I'm told my soon-to-be-no-more colleagues think that I've not put my mind, heart and soul to the job lately.

What on earth you want me to give to a job that I've no more interest in?!

You can all eat my big, bulbous cock!

1 comment:

Mervin Lee said...

Take it easy.... :O hugs....