Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Employed, Finally!

I've found a job!

Visit the studio's site: http://animasia-studio.com/

I was hoping for some conceptual responsibilities, but well, I'm a fresh graduate, and I'm not from animation background. :P (graphic design mah) So I'll be doing, as my interviewer i.e. the Animation Director himself says, the in-betweens. I understand the term as tweening from Macromedia Flash™ (which is the very software the Studio uses mostly to develop projects).

What tweening entails is that I'll be given two keyframes. Keyframe One is what is about to happen. Keyframe Two is what happened. So in between what is about to happen and what happened, I'll have to draw them all. All in all, I am the one who make a cartoon character walked from point A to point B. Everything will be done in Flash™. A lot of drawing to be done ... and non-involvement in the creative process. I am at the receiving end of the conceptual development hierarchy. Fuck ...

I'm telling myself then I'm giving the Studio a year (they are giving me 2 weeks instead). After a year, if I'm not about to be involved in the creative process, I'll fire the Studio! Hahahaha!

Anyways, work starts on this Friday, 1st of June.

Now, why on earth am I involved in the animation field, you may ask. I'm not even interested in this fanfare myself. The reason is that more than one source, one time and situation wherein someone told me I should be in the animation field from observing my drawings. So I told myself, what the heck, lets give it a try. Given the luxury of time, choice, etc, I'll illustrate children's book, develop funny clip arts and design commercial posters.

So now I've two days time to brush up my Flash™ commands. I'm thinking of purchasing a lil handbook tonight to help me do just that.

Well, say good luck to my next deviation in my career journey! (I started with two years in a business school, then I moved to graphic design, and now I'm in the mentioned field.)


Anonymous said...


Dr Moose said...

Congratulations Tommy! The first step on the road to greater things!