Tuesday, November 23, 2004


Power is everywhere. How do one come to tap it? How do one come to use it? Is it rightful to use it for obscene and petty reasons?

Power is everywhere: from above, below, around, inside you and others. To tap Power, one must be capable of sincere faith and complete knowing of his thoughts and actions. One often hear that believing is what makes Power real. I say not. Believe is merely believing. Can you believe that a stone is hard? No. One experiences the hardness of a stone. One believing in a stone being hard, does not make a stone hard. One must KNOW a stone is hard, than the experience of the hardness of the stone becomes reality! To acquire Power, one must know the 'hardness' before one experiences it. In conclusion, one experiences Power before the result is manifested. It is that simple. But the difficulty remains in sincere believing (knowing).

This also works with drawing Power from deities. But are deities real? One only need to know it, and it will become real. But I tell you this, to draw Power from another being, is to be indebted. Power is everywhere. Why bound oneself to one or a few choices? The only thing we own in this World is Free Will. Do not lightly give your freedom to another. That is the only thing one have. One becomes the poorest without Free Will. Free Will is Freedom in action, one must know this.

The solution is for one to Will the knowing. One must have the Will to acquire Power. Where there is a Will, there is a Way, hear this before? Will is sincere believing (knowing) that one can work things out. One Wills Power to be yours, and one will have what one Wills. This is Willpower. Many call it Magick.

After one Wills Power into one's grasp, one Wills it to do one's wills. It is only that. Rituals are for reinforcing beliefs. If one's Willpower attained a high degree, rituals become redundant.

Is it right to use Willpower to do wrongs? I tell you this, all there is are cause and effect. Just like when one burns one's finger purposefully, one feels pain. Do one call this cause-effect a wrong? It is just a cause-effect. So do what one wills but be ready for the burn upon one's finger.

One's finger is also one's most Powerful wand. There is no wand better than one's finger. Point at the direction, the object and/or the replication of one's goal, and direct all one's Willpower upon it. Close one's eyes, and experience what one Wills even before the result is manifested. Sincerely believe (know) that it is happening. It is only that simple. But it is also so difficult. But practise makes perfect, though. Meditation also hones one's Willpower.

(C) GT 2004

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