The problem is the existence of homosexuality is viewed as a threat to the institution of the Family. Politicians in the West & theocrats in the East are using this very reason to condemn homosexuality. Because the Family is the basic unit that made up the foundations of the State and the Church. Without a proper order, and consistent definition of family, the conventions of the State and the Church simply cannot hold themselves together. Thus, a complete collapse of civilizations. I think there is a manner of truth in what these liars are saying (speaking as a gay man here) because civilizations, the State and the Church exist only until today because of the constant nature of a reproductive family of which in turn holds to the ideals and disciplines of the State and the Church. A co-dependent system of survival of belief systems.
This is an analysis of humanity's collective psychology, you see. What is stated above is neither bad nor good, but it is just a way of survival for an age-old belief system that simply cannot include everybody in the Universe. This belief is even reflected in the belief of a God that excludes, thus a Hell, where all those excluded from the family of God shall be dumped into. This is the only logical explanation to justify the existence of different people to the so-called normal people. That is so that members of God's family could be differentiated like white against black. Greys are not viewed as a color of its own. Grey is white stained with black, that needed a strong detergent for cleaning. Cleaning is a must, or Hell to you all!
Of course, this is a false God. God is the one, who inlcudes all and loves all and blesses all of his creation for all is a product of his creativity. How can one create all only to have all segregated into units to be scrutinized and discerned? A man of reasonable mind with a complete sense of conscience must know that how he feels is also how others would feel. Ain't we all made in the image and likeness of God? We are ourselves the testimony and evidence of God.
What we need is a new definition of Family, and that is the Cosmic Family. A family that includes all, even all the diversity of the human race, and that we truly love each other as family members ought to love one another. With this belief intact, automatically, God would be the one who truly includes all and blesses all for the Truth is God and humanity are a reflection of one another. No one in particular is the object of reflection for we reflect each other. God and humanity. Evidence of this can be found in the Old Testament, a time when God is said to favor only His Chosen People, and fought and killed all else. Even with Jesus's revelations of a God that includes all, we still practice, in State & Church, the same mentality of Roman Imperialism, which is now renamed as the modern way of life, or the only way of life.
'Live like us, or live a lesser being.' Everybody wants to be a citizen of Rome. Nobody likes to be a provincial. Today, every Asian wants to be American, or one belongs to the Third World. What are we supposed to do? Even our T's and jeans and KFC chicken are innovations of America. Both Democrats and Republicans are guilty of condemning homosexuality within the states of America. America has only islands, reserves, sanctuaries for homosexuals to gather, herded in a place like cows so that enterprises could milk their sense of fasion and style, and make billions out of it. The gay couple is the money churner of today. With no children to support, two working males, usually highly educated and highly paid & qualified, the gay couple is the ideal target market for enterprises to sell their products. That is all. America is not a complete liberal haven, but a commercial haven.